Lawyering for change – but what change exactly?

Workshop – Assessing the potential and pitfalls of strategic litigation in EU law. 27 February 2025

The Court of Justice of the EU has for a long time remained off the radar of actors pursuing strategic litigation. Over the past decade, however, the Court of Justice adjudicated more regularly on politically salient and socially divisive issues. But who are the actors pursuing strategic litigation before the Court of Justice? 

This event was organised by Pola Cebulak, Marta Morvillo and Stefan Salomon with the support of the Amsterdam Centre for European Studies.

The purpose of the workshop was to bring together scholars and practitioners engaged in strategic litigation to discuss the particular dynamics of strategic litigation in EU law. The special issue of the German Law Journal (2024, 25(6)) on ‘Strategic Litigation in EU Law’ served as a basis for the discussion, which is aimed at identifying avenues for future research. Professor Christina Eckes contributed to the special issue and was a speaker at the workshop in the roundtable on ‘Litigating the Climate’.

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