
Christina Eckes

Principal Investigator

Christina is Professor of European law at the University of Amsterdam and the PI of the Strategic Climate Litigation Project. Her most recent publications examine the legal and factual exceptionalism of climate litigation, climate constitutionalisation, and the normative relevance of climate science in litigation.

Clara Kammeringer

PhD Researcher

Clara holds a bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences from University College Maastricht. In summer 2024, she completed her LL.M. in Legal Theory from the European Academy of Legal Theory at Goethe University Frankfurt. 

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Renske Natté

PhD Researcher

In summer 2024, Renske graduated from the master’s International Business Law and Climate Change. Previously, she completed a bachelor’s degree in law and a bachelor’s degree in liberal arts and sciences at Utrecht University.

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Alberto Nicotina

Postdoctoral Researcher

In May 2024, Alberto defended his PhD thesis at the University of Antwerp. His research interests include comparative constitutional law, especially within the EU, environmental law, legal theory, and qualitative legal methods. 

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Tessa Trapp

PhD Researcher

Tessa studied the interdisciplinary Bachelor’s programme PPLE (Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics) at the University of Amsterdam, and recently completed an LL.M. in European Union law. 

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Simon Waswa

PhD Researcher

After completing his LL.B. at Makerere University in Kampala, Simon went on to do his Bar course at Uganda’s Law Development Centre. He completed a Masters in Environmental Law at Stockholm University in June 2024.

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Ellysia van der Werf

Communications Officer

Ellysia has been working for the University of Amsterdam Law Faculty since 2020. She is responsible for planning communication and event activities for several centres including European and  International Law and Strategic Climate Litigation.

Affiliate Researchers

Jan Broulík, Assistant Professor in European Law, co-supervisor to Renske Natte

Rena Hänel, PhD candidate at the Department of European Studies, University of Amsterdam

Chantal Mak, Professor of Private Law, 2nd supervisor to Simon Waswa

Marta Morvillo, Associate Professor in European Legal and Economic Governance, co-supervisor to Tessa Trapp

Stefan Salomon, Assistant Professor of European Law, co-supervisor to Tessa Trapp

Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh, Associate Professor of Sustainability Law, 2nd supervisor to Clara Kammeringer

Research Assistants

Kamya Chawla & Annika Memmel (December 2024-April 2025)